meinVZ noch nützlich, aber facebook wird wertvoller

Es wird schon länger darüber diskutiert, wie der Wettbewerb zwischen und in Deutschland ausgehen wird. Anfangs sah es aus, als ob seinen führenden Platz in Deutschland halten konnte – trotz zahlreicher Rechtstreitigkeiten zwischen den beiden. Mittlerweile hat allerdings in Deutschland die Nase vor, wenn man den Umfragen glauben darf. Gestern habe ich ein wenig weiterlesen…

Virtueller Suizid in sozialen Netzwerken als Befreiung und Geschäftschance zugleich

Heute gibt es eine Vielzahl an Web 2.0-Diensten und vor allem an so genannten Social Networks, so dass man als Nutzer die Qual der Wahl hat, wo man alles dabei sein soll. Da ich beruflich mit diesem Umfeld zu tun habe, bin ich natürlich in vielen sozialen Netzwerken registriert; angefangen bei und, über weiterlesen…

Experiences with Mobile Advertisement Optimizers

Many Aspects to consider by Optimizing Inventory Some days ago I wrote about Whom should Mobile Social Networks partner with in Mobile Advertising and today I would like to share some experience from the perspective of a publisher with three mobile advertisement optimizer;, and (now yahoo advertising). Beside smooth technical integration the weiterlesen…

Whom should Mobile Social Networks partner with in Mobile Advertising?

The Mobile Advertising Ecosystem There are several business models for Mobile Social Networks (MSN). Asking users to pay for either community membership or for premium content like virtual goods are two examples. Lately, a few players have been experimenting with different premium models. Nevertheless, it seems to me that our market segment still favours the weiterlesen…

The Future of Mobile Social Networks

Insights on Mobile Social Networking When we at Peperoni started to build our first solution for the mobile web back in 2000, I saw the business potential of mobile data technologies, but I must admit that today I am pleasantly surprised and very glad about the technological and economic progress in our mobile industry. And weiterlesen…

Olivia Hilton from Jumbuck in Interview with

Olivia Hilton on mobile chat in interview with Hey! Today I saw an interesting interview on with Olivia Hilton (Jumbuck) on mobile chat and I just couldn’t resist to smile on this text passage: A fast thinker, Olivia Hilton isn’t afraid to make honest statements about her mobile dating competition, such as Mobiflirt weiterlesen…

How big and valuable is a community?

One of my personal interests and tasks at Peperoni is to track the development of our industry sector (Mobile UGC / Mobile Social Networks). Furthermore people (mostly investment bankers 🙂 ask me often how big and valuable our community is – but honestly, it’s not easy to answer this question satisfiable. In our and other communities weiterlesen…