Learntec 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany

FernUni booth, TV interview with Andreas, Mobile Learning lectures and the Mobile Learning Arena. This year, for the first time, I was at the Learntec as a visitor and not as an exhibitor. I got a free ticket from Dr. Andreas Bischoff (the man behind pediaphon), so I just couldn’t resist to stop by for some weiterlesen…

FernUni Perspektive: Neuer Lernfest-Standort

Wieder ein „Hingucker“: der FernUni-Roboter des Lehrgebiets PRT Source: FernUni Perspektive, Gerd Dapprich, Jg. 6, Nr. 22/2007 (Winter), S. 16 Neuer Lernfest-Standort „Ich denke, wir haben eine Menge neue Studierende und vielleicht auch ein paar zukünftige Robotiker geworben“, freute sich Dr.-Ing. Andreas Bischoff vom Lehrgebiet Prozesssteuerung und Regelungstechnik in der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der weiterlesen…

Alpha-Beta in Athens, Greece

Dinner and discussion with ‚Alpha-Beta‘ and panoramic view on Athens. I got another invitation from the IEIE – International Education Information Exchange e.V., to join the third working meeting of project partners ‚Alpha-Beta‘ as an expert of mobile learning. This time I spoke about technical implementation of mobile units in context of new methods for services towards illiterates weiterlesen…

5. BIBB-Fachkongress, Düsseldorf

Convention center, lecture, exhibition and networking. Today I had a lecture about ‚Mobile Learning – flexible information systems for work integrated learning‘ at the 5th  BIBB Congress in Congress Centrum Düsseldorf. In my thematic block there was also a refreshing lecture by two apprentices from Deutsche Telekom telling about their experiences with net based learning – going to the weiterlesen…

Robotics Research Institute, University of Dortmund

Robotics Research Institute, participants, lecture and product demonstration.   An old research friend, Guido Hoffmeier, from the department for Industrial Robotics and Handling Systems (IR) at the Robotics Research Institute in Dortmund invited me to join his workshop „Mulitmediale Arbeitsassistenz (MULTAS) im praktischen Einsatz“. The lectures in the agenda were: Welcome and project introduction, Guido Hoffmeier, Robotics weiterlesen…

Workshop Mobile Learning at DIN, Berlin

DIN in Berlin, collective work on future scenarios and lecture of Marcus Specht. DIN workshop ‚Mobile Learning‘ On my business trip I made a detour to DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. for a meeting of a working group on Mobile Learning. The workshop included among other things a interesting lecture of Marcus Specht (Open Universiteit Nederlands) weiterlesen…

NRW-Tag (2nd day), Paderborn

Open-air art exhibition, Paderborn Cathedral, kids with the printing machine and tasty waffle. The second NRW Tag in Paderborn was also very exhausting; we had a lot of interested visitors with questions and many kids wanting to try the printing machine from our open-air museum in Hagen (Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum Hagen). But I also had some free time weiterlesen…

NRW-Tag (1st day), Paderborn

Our pavilion, crowd, Jürgen Rüttgers and the Brauhaus. Some days ago (Paderborn, we are coming) I was asked to join the representation of the city of Hagen on the so-called NRW Tag in Paderborn. We had a pavilion on the tourism mile in the middle of the city, close to the Paderborn cathedral in Paderborn. weiterlesen…