Mobile Monday, Munich

Neues Rathaus Munich, MoMo guests and Bavarian food.

MoMo – OPEN Portals, Platforms, Communities

Before the MoMo I just couldn’t resist to go for some tasty Bavarian food. So I went to the ‚Zum Spöckmeier‚ – close to the Marienplatz – for a great plate with liver sausage, blood sausage and Bavarian veal sausage. Yummy :o)

On this Mobile Monday in the ‚Neues Rathaus‚ at the Marienplatz in Munich I looked forward to the celebration of the 5th Anniversary of gofresh. So I even brought a nice bottle of champagne for the team of my favorite combatants and had the chance to clink glasses with the whole management team of; Vince Staybl, Sabine Irrgang, Jukka Saarelainen and Mikko Saarelainen. And we also celebrated today’s hot industry news ‚MocoSpace Raises $4 Million B Round‚. Congratulations Justin Siegel and Jamie Hall

Unfortunately I had to leave the party early, so we couldn’t celebrate all night long. Furthermore it was great to see some other ‚old‘ business contacts like e.g. Ralph Suda (Contnet), Daniel Melter (M-Squad), Harald Müller (scopas medien) and Mark Wächter (MWC).

Agenda MoMo Munich 28.01.2008 

  • Welcome Aperitif: Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Gofresh 
  • Introduction to the MobileMonday Creative Award 2008: Competition for the most creative digital ad or campaign
  • „Enabling the Independency“, Dirk Barmscheidt,
  • „An Introduction to the Android Application Framework“, Jason Chen,
  • „The Social Phonebook“, Tommy Ahlers, CEO & Founder,
  • „The Mobile Community with Location-centric Content Enrichment“, Suk-Hyon Paek, CEO, Qiro
  • „Launching the HOTorNOT OPEN Mobile Service“, Axel Schütz, Marketing Director & Founder,
  • „ The biggest free mobile content community“, Vince Staybl, CEO & Founder, gofresh GmbH
  • Roundtable of Open Mobile Communities

2 Gedanken zu „Mobile Monday, Munich“

  1. i´m starting to think that your alwyas involve in big events…
    and if it´s germay are always in celebrations…..
    anyway..i hope it was a good lunch…!

  2. I looked forward to the celebration of the 5th Anniversary of gofresh. So I even brought a nice bottle of champagne for the team of my favorite combatants and had the chance to clink glasses with the whole whon khgs isdh wbgdu thet abvsa you I looked forward to the celebration of the 5th Anniversary of gofresh. So I even brought a nice bottle of champagne for the team of my favorite combatants and had the chance to clink glasses with the whole management team of kbs ak svb svbfc abebru ags fbn

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